At my 9-5 a lovely regular customer came in one day and brought me a 4 leaf clover. She handed it to me and said
"keep this forever, it will bring you luck"
I'd never found a 4 leaf clover and wanted to preserve it in a way that I could wear it and keep it close for inspiration.
I started searching techniques and finally came to the one I use now for all my necklaces.
After I made my own necklace I was so happy with the end result that I wanted to share necklaces with my friends.
That's when I created Bomb De Fleur.
As I travel I pick flowers as I go.
It keeps me with constant changing flowers and something that can be special to so many different people.
Slowly the shop is growing so I can give people the opportunity for me to make something special and unique to them....
so they can have their own versions of my 4 leaf clover.